Well Visits
Well child care visits are not just for infants. Just like adults, your children should have an annual physical appointment. It is important for children of all ages to have a yearly physical (or well visit). When you think of your child’s upcoming birthday, remember to schedule their yearly physical. Even if a child is not involved in sports, we still recommend a physical every year.
While we use the general term “physical” or well child visit, we do not limit the visit only to a physical exam. We discuss your child’s psychological and emotional well being. We also discuss your child’s development, school progress and concerns that they may have about their own development. This is an important time to provide recommendations and guidance to both you and your child. This conversation is specific to your child’s age and development. On our Well Child-Immunization page is the most current schedule of immunizations recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices of the CDC. This is the schedule we use at Pediatric Place.
Something special about our practice, unlike many other pediatric practices, is that you are welcome to discuss as a parent your desire to vary from the recommended immunization schedule. These discussions may be based on family history, religious beliefs or personal preferences.
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